Update 12/2/2020

On August 15th, 2020, Governor Kemp issued Executive Order “Empowering a Healthy Georgia,” which provides guidance to the operating guidelines for restaurants and dining facilities, bars, banquet facilities, private event facilities, and private reception venues where food is served. 

The Order requires that all facilities that meet the definition of “food service establishment” per O.C.G.A. § 26-2-370(2), as well as banquet facilities, private event facilities, and private reception venues where food is served, shall implement certain measures to mitigate the exposure and spread of COVID-19 among their patrons and workforce. Bars with food service establishment permits are included in these requirements. 

The Order also includes several provisions that apply only to bars, which are specifically noted below. “Bar” is defined in O.C.G.A. § 3-1-2(2.1) to mean “any premises at which a retailer licensed pursuant to this title to sell alcoholic beverages derives 75 percent or more total annual gross revenue from the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises.” 

Executive Order does not apply to dine-in services provided in hospitals, health care facilities, nursing homes, or other long-term care facilities. However, the Order directs these excepted facilities to implement the Order’s operating guidelines to the extent possible. 

The specific directives of the Order are reproduced below in plain text. Additional recommendations and clarification from the Georgia Department of Public Health’s Food Service Program are provided in italics. 



  • Screen and evaluate workers who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19. Symptoms of COVID- 19 may include a fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea. While it is strongly recommended that each restaurant have an infrared thermometer on hand to screen workers, it is not required. Workers may screen themselves for fever with their own thermometers prior to arriving at work. 

   Our standard is that every employee takes their temperature prior to reporting to work. Every employee will be required to fill out an Employee Check-in/Wellness Sheet for every shift. Once you’ve clocked in, fill in the required Employee Check-in sheet & hand to the manager on duty prior to working their shift. Employee Check-in sheets will be available in English & Spanish. (Managers/GM’s to Review Check-in sheets.)

·      Require workers who exhibit signs of illness to not report to work or to seek medical attention. Per existing U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Code and Department of Public Health requirements, workers who are sick should remain home. If a worker becomes ill or presents signs of illness at work, the operator should identify the worker's condition during a pre-work screening and send the worker home. Restaurant workers are considered “Critical Infrastructure” Workers. If a Restaurant Worker has been exposed to someone diagnosed with or suspected of having Covid-19, they are allowed to continue working per CDC guidance, and additional requirements, unless the worker is showing signs or symptoms of Covid-19: ncov/community/critical-workers/implementing-safety-practices.html. 

Our standard is that any employee who exhibits signs of illness calls their manager immediately to inform them.  Follow the Georgia Department of Public Health’s Guidelines.  If an employee becomes ill during a shift, they will immediately be sent home. 

  • Restaurants and bars shall create, maintain, and follow established policies regarding when workers who have become ill are permitted to return to work. A worker with known or suspected COVID-19 must follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to self-isolate for at least ten (10) days after symptom onset and end isolation only after symptoms have improved and the worker has been fever-free and/or symptom-free for 24 hours without medication before returning to work. If a worker is diagnosed with COVID-19, it is highly recommended that the Person-In-Charge notify the health department as soon as possible. Timely reporting of diagnosed cases will assist with contact tracing measures to help isolate and contain the spread of COVID-19. 

 Our standard is that any employee who exhibits signs of illness calls their manager immediately to inform them. Follow the Georgia Department of Public Health’s Guidelines as listed above.

  • Ensure the Food Safety Manager certification of the person in charge is up-to-date and provide food handler training to refresh workers. Food handler certification is not required per the Georgia Food Service Rules and Regulations, Chapter 511-6-1; however, it is a requirement that the Person-In-Charge ensure that employees are properly trained in food safety, including food allergy awareness, as it relates to their assigned duties. 

 Our standard is that all supervisors, managers & general managers are ServSafe Certified and have their certificates current & not expired.

·       Implement staggered shifts for all possible workers.

 No changes will need to be made to our scheduled shifts at this time.

  • Where possible, stagger workstations to avoid workers standing adjacent to one another or next to each other. Where six (6) feet of separation is not possible, consider spacing options that include other mitigation efforts with increased frequency of cleaning and sanitizing surfaces. Remind third-party delivery drivers and any suppliers of your internal distancing requirements. 

 Our standard is to set 6 feet markers in our Host Area & Bathrooms. In addition, each restaurant is to post a sign on their bathroom informing our Guests that bathrooms are limited to one (or 2 depending on location) guests at a time. (Managers/GM’s to review how many guests are allowed in your restroom at a time.). Team members are not permitted to eat or congregate together and must maintain a 6’ distance from each other whenever possible. 


·       Hold all meetings and conferences virtually, whenever possible.

Pre-shift meetings are limited to 5 minutes and team should be practice social distancing as best as possible. All employees will be required to fill out an Employee Check-in/Wellness Sheet for every shift. Once you’ve clocked in, fill in the required Employee Check-in sheet & hand to the manager on duty prior to working their shift. Employee Check-in sheets will be available in English & Spanish.


·       Train all employees on the importance and expectation of increased frequency of handwashing, the use of hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol, and provide clear instruction to avoid touching hands to face.  Food service employees are required to wash their hands according to the Georgia Food Service Rules and Regulations, Chapter 511-6-1-.03(5)(b)&(c).  “Hand sanitizer,” for purposes of Executive Order, means “any hand antiseptic, hand rub, soap, or agent applied to the hands for the purpose of removing common pathogens.”  Hand antiseptics and hand sanitizers must meet the criteria for the US Food and Drug Administration’s food additive definition of Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) if food will be touched after using.  Otherwise, hands should be thoroughly rinsed in clean water prior to handling food after the use of any hand antiseptic or hand sanitizers that do not meet the GRAS requirements.  Bare hand contact with ready-to-eat foods is prohibited.  

 As a company the following steps will be implemented to assist us in compliance:

o   Continue to follow all applicable hand washing company expectations.

o   Stylus use on POS is optional. Immediately after leaving POS, hand sanitizer must be used.

o   Single Use gloves are to be used for the following: Any time food is being brought to a table. Any time a payment is processed. Any time a beverage glass is used. Any time a garnish is added to a drink.

o   Check presenters will be discontinued. Checks are to be dropped directly onto the table.

o   All Sriracha, mustard, ketchup or Soy Sauce should be served to a dine in guest with our pre-portioned 1.5 wt oz portion cups.

o   All drink refills (including water & iced tea) must be served in a fresh glass. No more pitchers for refills until future notice.

o   (Managers/GM’s to Review Updated Opening, Closing & Shift Duties.)


  • For establishments meeting the definition of a “bar” per O.C.G.A. § 3-1-2(2.1), workers are required to wash or sanitize their hands upon entering the establishment and between interactions with patrons. For any bar which has a food service permit, it is a requirement that workers wash their hands prior to entering the kitchen or working with food. Food employees are not allowed to sanitize their hands in lieu of handwashing. Food employees may sanitize their hands after they have properly washed their hands. 

 All team members are required to wash their hands upon entering the building,  after touching bare human body parts other than clean hands and clean exposed arms, after using the toilet , after coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or tissue, using tobacco and eating or drinking , after handling soiled equipment or utensils, during food preparation, as often as necessary, when switching between working with raw and ready-to-eat food, before donning gloves for working with food, after engaging in activities that may contaminate hands and in between glove changes. 

  • For Restaurants and Caterers: require workers to wear face coverings while interacting with patrons. (e.g., waitstaff, counter staff, drive through, etc.) Workers may also wear face shields in addition to their face coverings. Such face coverings and face shields shall be cleaned or replaced daily. Face coverings and face shields are not the same thing. Face shields are clear plastic barriers that do not contact the face but are worn as a way to protect the full face from spray aimed at the individual wearing the shield.  Face shields do not protect others from contaminated airborne particles expelled from the person wearing the face shield. Face coverings are made of cloth or fabric and must cover the nose and mouth while being worn. Workers will not be allowed to work unless they have a face covering. Instructions for making face coverings can be found on the CDC’s website: covering-instructions.pdf Third-party delivery drivers should also wear face coverings while in the restaurant and when interacting with any customers at the delivery location. 

 Our standard is that all team members, supervisors, managers & general managers wear a facemask at ALL TIMES while in the restaurant. Face masks must have the ability to cover both the mouth & nose. 


The company will provide reusable masks with the company logo.  If the team member chooses to receive a face mask from the company, it is to be treated as any other issued uniform: It is the employees’ responsibility to clean masks regularly and bring it back to work with them every shift they work. Face masks are to be washed daily.  Employees are welcome to use their own mask, which must meet the safety guidelines for the industry, and be free of any pictures, statements or images.


·       Discourage workers from using other workers' phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment (such as pens, pencils, check holders, etc.).  Clean registers or Point of Sale machines between employee use.

 Our standard is that all Point of Sale is to be sanitized every 60 minutes. A Stylus is to be used anytime use of POS is required.


·       Prohibit handshaking and other unnecessary person-to-person contact in the workplace.

 Our standard is to follow the expectation set by the Georgia Department of Public Health.


  • Establish a limit for the maximum number of workers permitted in worker breakrooms to reduce contact. 

 Team members are not permitted to eat or congregate together and must maintain a 6’ distance whenever possible.  


·       Increase physical space between workers and patrons, and limit contact between wait staff and patrons. 

 Given the current expectations, we will continue to make changes to our dining room seating and our steps of service in regards to Take Away/Curbside Guests, Seating the Guest in the Dining Room as well as the Steps of Service for Dine-in & Bar Guests.  


·       Remind third-party delivery drivers and any suppliers of your internal distancing requirements.

 Given the current expectations, we will have designated tables set up for all third party delivery companies (UberEats/DoorDash/etc.). Within the restaurant.  (Managers/GM’s to review this location at your specific restaurant)


·       Implement procedures to increase cleaning and sanitizing frequency of surfaces in the back-of-house. Avoid all food contact surfaces when using disinfectants.

 Our standard is to continue our great practices. However, we need to keep cleaning & sanitizing top of mind in all areas of the restaurant including our kitchens. Clean & sanitize all faucets when used. Be sure we are washing hands as often as needed, utilize down time to sweep & mop floors as well as clean & sanitize kitchen tools.  Follow our disinfecting/cleaning hourly schedule. 





  • Post signage on entrances that no one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19 is permitted in the facility. Signage should be designed in such a manner as to be easily seen and read by any patrons approaching the restaurant. 

 Please ensure company issued sign is posted on all restaurant entrances


  • Thoroughly detail, clean, and sanitize the entire facility regularly, focusing such cleaning and sanitation on high contact areas that would be touched by workers and/or patrons. Dining tabletops are considered food contact surfaces, per the Georgia Food Service Rules and Regulations, Chapter 511-6-1. Always follow manufacturer’s labels when applying disinfectants to dining tabletops and verify their use for food contact surfaces. 

 Follow cleaning/disinfecting schedule in addition to cleaning all table tops and surfaces in between guests.   We have also hired a third-party company to treat the restaurants, which uses a chemical that neautralizes bacteria and viruses for up to 30 days.  We will use this service monthly until further notice. 

·       Redesign seating arrangements to ensure at least six (6) feet of separation from seating to seating or utilize physical barriers to separate groups of seating within six (6) feet. Currently, there are no recommendations available from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or Center for Disease Control and Prevention on the size or height of a physical barrier. Each restaurant and bar must use its own judgement when determining dimensions of physical barriers that will afford patrons adequate protection from the virus that causes COVID-19. Physical barriers should be as large as practicable and should be impermeable to respiratory droplets and aerosols. 

   Given the current expectations, we will have designed a new floor plan  (review updated floor plan at your specific restaurant)


·       Where practicable, take-out and curbside pick-up services should be prioritized over dine-in services.  

 As a company, we will continue to promote ToGo & Curbside pickup.


·       Thoroughly detail, clean, and sanitize the entire facility prior to resuming dine-in services and continue to do so regularly, focusing such cleaning and sanitation on high contact areas that would be touched by employees and patrons.

 Our standard is that all restaurants are required to complete the company issued Reopening Checklist. 


·       Enforce Social Distancing of non-cohabitating persons while present on such entity's leased or owned property.  Ensure patrons are seated at least 6 feet apart at any bar and that tables in the bar area are at least 6 feet away from customers seated at the bar.

 Our standard is to follow the above standard by placing 2 barstools together every 6 feet at the bartop. If a single diner sits at one of the 2 seats, the other may not be used at a different spot at the bar. 


·       Do not allow patrons to congregate in waiting areas or bar areas. Design a process to ensure patron separation while waiting to be seated that can include floor markings, outdoor distancing, or waiting in cars.

 Our standard is to not allow guests to wait in the restaurant (including the bar area) while waiting for a table to become available. Instead, we will have the Host (coordinator) stand at the front door to welcome guests prior to them entering the restaurant. If a guest inquires as to why they can’t wait in the bar area answer should include “Due to social distancing limitations, we are unable to have guests wait for their table in our bar/designated wait area. We apologize for any inconvenience.”


·       The use of disposable paper menus is strongly encouraged, which should be discarded after each patron use. Otherwise, businesses subject to this Section shall clean and sanitize reusable menus between each use by a patron. Non-touch menus are also acceptable for use.

 Continue to use single use menus (including beer menus). 


·       Between diners, clean and sanitize table condiments, digital ordering devices, check presenters, self-service areas, tabletops and commonly touched areas, and discard single-use items.  Dining table - tops are considered food contact surfaces, per the Georgia Food Service Rules and Regulations, Chapter 511-6-1. Always follow manufacturer’s labels when applying disinfectants to dining table-tops and verify their use for food contact surfaces.  


 Whenever resetting a table for the next Guest, all chairs & booths need to be completely & thoroughly sanitized. We have also discontinued the use of check presenters. 


·       Use rolled silverware and eliminate table presets.

 We will continue to use pre-rolled silverware. Whomever is rolling the silverware MUST have on single use gloves and wash their hands immediately before & after rolling silverware.


·       If providing a "grab and go" service, stock coolers to no more than minimum levels.

 Our standard is to follow the expectation set by the Georgia Department of Public Health.


·       Clean and sanitize restrooms regularly, check restrooms based on the frequency of use, and ensure adequate supply of soap and paper towels at all times.  Some restaurants may not be equipped with paper towel dispensers, since it is not required by the Georgia Food Service Rules and Regulations, Chapter 511-6-1; however, it is strongly recommended that paper towels be provided.

 Our standard is that Bathroom Cleaning & Disinfecting occurs every hour & is to include: Wipe all toilet handles/push buttons, urinal handles, sink handles, sink countertop, soap dispenser & door handles with a sanitized single use towel


·       Where practical, consider a reservations-only business model or call-ahead seating.

 We will continuously evaluate how many reservation’s we want to take every hour. 


·       Where practicable, physical barriers such as partitions or plexiglass at registers should be used.

We have added a plexiglass partition to our cashier register at Forno Vero and in between booth seating, wherever possible in all restaurants.


·       Use technological solutions where possible to reduce person-to-person interaction: mobile ordering, mobile access to menus to plan in advance, text on arrival for seating, and contactless payment options.  If PIN pads are used, they should be sanitized between patrons.

 We will continue to promote ToGo as well as use our Reservation systems to communicate table availability. 


·       Provide hand sanitizer for use by patrons, including contactless hand sanitizing stations when available.  Hand sanitizer must be provided; however, it is recommended to use the contactless hand sanitizing stations if possible. Hand sanitizer wipes are also an acceptable form of sanitizer to provide for both patrons and employees.  See definition of “hand sanitizer” above under Employee Health and Safety Measures. If hand sanitizer is not available, the restaurant will not be allowed to open its dining room.

 We will provide hand sanitizer for all employees and Guests throughout our restaurants. The Host Stand, Bathrooms, POS stations & office all should have hand sanitizer pumps available. The Host on Duty is to check on these pumps every hour.


·       If possible, use an exit from the facility separate from the entrance.

 We will utilize separate doors for Guest entrance & exit when possible. All employees should enter & exit the building thru the back, receiving door if possible.


·       Mark ingress/egress to and from restrooms to establish paths that mitigate proximity for patrons and staff.

 Signs have been posted to limit the number of guests in the restroom at one time.  We will utilize directional markers in restaurants where necessary to limit deviations from the social distancing guidelines.  (Managers/GM’s to review any applicable directional markers.)


·       Discard all food items that are out of date.

 We will continue our shelf-life & quality standards in regards to all products. 


What to Expect If a Co-Worker Tests Positive for Covid-19 

  • If the Employee is working, they are immediately sent home.

  • An Employee with known or suspected COVID-19 must follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guidelines to Self-Isolate for at least 10 days after symptom onset and end isolation only after symptoms have improved and the Employee has been Fever-Free and Symptom-Free for two(2) consecutive days without medication before returning to work.

  • Employee’s name will be kept confidential.

  • HR is contacted to interview the Employee to determine any close contact with other individuals during work & potential contact with Co-Workers outside of work during exposure period, based on guidance from the Department of Health.

  • Confirm the date the disinfecting company last treated the restaurant.

  • Review Disinfecting and Cleaning Sheets are current and properly disinfect any additional touch points the Employee may have been in contact with. Review & follow CDC recommended cleaning instructions.

  • All Employees will be notified of a co-worker’s positive case in the restaurant by management.

  • Any Employee that may have had close contact (within 6 feet for 15 minutes, without PPE protection or other close contact circumstances) will be notified to take additional precautions, as directed by the Department of Health.

  • Restaurants are considered critical infrastructure, meaning employees with an exposure can continue to work up to the moment they develop symptoms. Exposed Employees should be wearing a mask at all times, be screened for symptoms daily, and distance themselves from others at work as the job permits.

  • Because transmission occurs from person to person, a facility/location does not need to shut down as a result of an employee, visitor, or other individual testing positive for COVID-19 if the steps above are followed and the ill and potentially exposed individuals are appropriately addressed.

Protect Each Other


Wear Your Mask            Wash Your Hands          Social Distance              Disinfect Surfaces


It is Just as Important for You to Protect Yourself and Your Peers Outside the Restaurant